søndag den 9. februar 2014

Who will ever know?

I no longer stand on a beach by the Australian sea but the waves will keep on
breaking and rolling towards the white, white sand.
And, the sound of almost thunder, wil make the rocks jump and switch places
throughout eternity.
When I die, a silverstring of smooth pearls is going to break.
The pearls will roll through the land and run home to all the mussle-mothers
on the bottom of the the sea.
Who will dive and find my pearls? Who will ever guess they were mine?
Who will ever know that the whole world used to hang around my neck?


lørdag den 8. februar 2014

Like Gravity

It happened so freakeshly fast that I almost a psysical bump in my core.
I knew right then and there that something had changed and would never be the same.
It was like gravity. My whole center shifted and suddenly it wasn't Mother Earth holding me here... but him. I was ready to do anything, be anything he needed. A friend. A lover. A protecter.
My love for him could cover the entirety of every room, evey place, every time.
Without him I feel like.. I honestly do not know what to feel anymore. I feel a loss. A loss of the future I was convinsed we were gonna have together.
There's no point in trying to define or analyse Loss. Loss is to be felt and felt deeply... it's not be explained.
My father used to say: "Mind the Gap..."
- You need to mind the gap, because once you do you'll officially be an adult. Once you realize that there is a huge gap, between life as we dream it and life as it is.

onsdag den 5. februar 2014

Your Patience Is Requested

I recently moved from Australia after almost 3 years and back to my native country; Denmark.
- Some might argue that's just moving from one God forsaken place to another... and that might be true, given by the fact that I didn't live "next to the Sydney Operah House with a pet kangaroo" (which is the Danes interpretation of australian living). No, I lived in Western Australia, which is the complete oppisite side of the country. I held a steady job, working 9 to 5 and never left the state of W.A. - but that is another story for another day...'

It's the longest story of all, how I ever ended up in Australia and I'll spear you the details, the point is: It was never my dream to go to Australia. It was never even my dream to leave Europe. As many other teenagers, I obviously had dreams about conquering the world, travelling and graping life by the balls - but to me personally, that could all be done within the continent of Europe.

I spent half my time in Australia being miserable. I  spent the other half of my time being the happiest girl alive - and "No" i do not suffer from a mental disorder or emotional unstableness.

When Charles Dickens wrote: "It was the best times, it was the worst of times", he simply must have been living in Australia for his beloved partner - but not for himself.

 I had no idea that snow and cold frosty weather was something you could almost physicly miss or need, but I now have the theory that if you are from Northen Europe it's simply someting you can't do without... and you'll properly (as a scandinavian) never agree with me, untill you've spent 3 years without it. In australia I missed the snow as if it had been a part of my personality.

Now that I'm back in Denmark i'm missing to constantly speak english. I hate feeling like some sort of foreigner in my own country - as if I've been living in Mordor for the past 200 years.