onsdag den 5. februar 2014

Your Patience Is Requested

I recently moved from Australia after almost 3 years and back to my native country; Denmark.
- Some might argue that's just moving from one God forsaken place to another... and that might be true, given by the fact that I didn't live "next to the Sydney Operah House with a pet kangaroo" (which is the Danes interpretation of australian living). No, I lived in Western Australia, which is the complete oppisite side of the country. I held a steady job, working 9 to 5 and never left the state of W.A. - but that is another story for another day...'

It's the longest story of all, how I ever ended up in Australia and I'll spear you the details, the point is: It was never my dream to go to Australia. It was never even my dream to leave Europe. As many other teenagers, I obviously had dreams about conquering the world, travelling and graping life by the balls - but to me personally, that could all be done within the continent of Europe.

I spent half my time in Australia being miserable. I  spent the other half of my time being the happiest girl alive - and "No" i do not suffer from a mental disorder or emotional unstableness.

When Charles Dickens wrote: "It was the best times, it was the worst of times", he simply must have been living in Australia for his beloved partner - but not for himself.

 I had no idea that snow and cold frosty weather was something you could almost physicly miss or need, but I now have the theory that if you are from Northen Europe it's simply someting you can't do without... and you'll properly (as a scandinavian) never agree with me, untill you've spent 3 years without it. In australia I missed the snow as if it had been a part of my personality.

Now that I'm back in Denmark i'm missing to constantly speak english. I hate feeling like some sort of foreigner in my own country - as if I've been living in Mordor for the past 200 years.

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